A & L
How Can We Help You?
Testing your water is not difficult. We can answer all of your questions.

How do I test my water?
The first step in testing your water is to obtain a water quality test kit. Once obtained, follow the instructions included n the test kit and fill up all necessary bottles with water.
There are several ways to obtain a Water Quality test kit. Stop by our office in Auburn to pick one up, visit one of our UPS Store locations or order a test kit online here.
The State of Maine and the EPA recommend a comprehensive test of your well water including bacteria, metals, minerals and radon every 3-5 years, A safety check is recommend for bacteria, nitrate and nitrite every year.
This is dependent on the package that you choose. This information sheet lists all of our tests and packages with the corresponding prices.
We will process your water sample in approximately 2 to 3 days (24 hours for a bacteria or radon test). Reports can be quickly emailed or mailed when completed. Our staff will answer any questions you have on the results and point you in the right direction to correct any issues with your water supply.
We are open from 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday-Friday. We allow samples to be dropped off on Saturday, but it must be in our dropbox before 9:00am. Our dropbox located outside the office is stocked with water quality test kits and is also used as a secure location to drop off test kits if you come by outside of business hours.
We can be found at 155 Center Street, Building C in Auburn, ME. We’re located off of Route 4 in the Riverview Plaza which is adjacent to Wendy’s and across the street from Aroma Joe’s and Margarita's.
We typically need to receive samples within 30 hours after collecting your sample. Some tests, such as radon, have longer hold times. You can view a complete list of sampling requirements here.
When sending or bringing in your sample, we ask that you enclose payment in the form of check or cash. We also accept credit cards(Visa, Mastercard & Discover), and we can take payment over the phone.
Information about various contaminants can be found from many sources.
How do I test for radon?
Both radon air and radon water tests require different containers than what comes in a standard water quality test kit. Please ask for these kits when ordering and we will gladly provide them to you. For more information please visit our Radon Website
While we do see trends throughout the state that show high risk areas for these types of contaminations, levels vary from well to well in any given neighborhood. The only way to be sure is to test your own well water. To see statisitcs in your area visit The Maine Tracking Network
Radon is a colorless and ordorless gas. You can't see, smell or taste Radon. But it may be a problem in your home.
Radon is estimated to cause many thousands of deaths each year. That's because when you breathe air containing radon, you can get lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high. The EPA recommends that homeowners periodically test their homes for radon in the air and also in their drinking water supply. Learn more about radon: A Citizen's Guide To Radon
A Public Water System is defined as any publically or privately-owned system of pipes or other constructed conveyances, structures and facilities through which water is obtained for or sold, furnished or distributed to the public for human consumption. These systems are defined as having at least 15 service connections or serving at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year or bottles water for sale. These systems are regulated by the State of Maine & EPA and are required to monitor their water supply and report their results to the Drinking Water Program. Copies of these analyses are available to the public and may be obtained from your water system. Large community water systems are required to distribute Consumer Confidence Reports each year to their residents. Copies of these reports can be found on the EPA's Website or through Maine Rural Water Association.
While the Public Water System monitors and controls the quality of the water leaving their plant they do not have control over the plumbing in your home which can add copper or lead into your drinking water as it passes through your pipes. It is important to have these tested on your own.
Coliform is a dirt bacteria that is very prominent in the environment. It is not uncommon to test positive for coliform bacteria in a dug well even if E. coli is not present. The presence of any coliforms in drinking water suggests that there may be a pathway for pathogens to enter the drinking water distribution system. Even though there is no longer an EPA limit we still recommend drinking water contain zero coliform bacteria. If your water has tested positive for total coliform bacteria it is important to examine your well system and take action to eliminate the coliform bacteria when possible.
E. coli is a type of coliform bacteria which is found in the intestines of warm-blooded animals. The presence of E. coli in water is a strong indication of recent sewage or animal waste contamination. Sewage may contain many types of disease-causing organisms. E. coli can make some severely ill and should not be present in drinking water. Do not drink the water until you have followed the chlorination procedures and have retested your well.
The state of Maine recommends chlorinating your well. This link will provide you with a full and detailed explanation of the process Chlorination Procedure.
There are two different types of lead tests that we provide. The first is a source lead test which can be performed with the standard water quality test kit. This will test your water source for lead. The second test is known as a First-Draw lead test. This test is used to determine whether or not the pipes in your household are leaching lead into the water. The First-Draw test requires a specific bottle that is larger in size, and it also requires the water in your home to not be used for 6-10 hours (typically overnight). While homes built before 1986 are the most likely to have lead plumbing, it can be found in newer homes as well. Until two years ago, the legal limit for "lead-free" pipes was up to 8% lead.
As of January 1, 2014, all newly installed water faucets, fixtures, pipes and fittings must meet new lead-free requirements, which reduces the amount of lead allowed to 0.25%. But that doesn't apply to existing fixtures, such as what is found in many older homes and public water suppliers.
The staining is likely being caused by elevated levels of iron and manganese, which are typically a reddish brown color for iron and black for manganese. Identification of the levels of these contaminants along with a few others will be useful for a treatment professional to determine the proper treatment system for your water. Once you have your test results you can contact a water professional for more informaton.
Bottled water is not necessarily safer than tap water in Maine. EPA sets standards for tap water provided by public water systems. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sets bottled water guidelines. Some bottled water is treated more than tap water, some is treated less, while some is not treated at all. Bottle water costs more than tap water on a per gallon basis. Consumers who chose to purchase bottled water should carefully read its label to understand what they are buying.